Saturday, January 30, 2010

First Post!!

I have decided that now is a great time to start keeping track of our lives (Brad, Taegan, Grant, and Maddie) before we look around and the kids are adults and I can't remember "the little" things anymore......

Brad submitted his first ACS (Advance Civil Schooling) packet for CU Boulder. We are still keeping our fingers crossed that GA or TX will hurry up and let us know something so we can try to get all the paper work in, in time. He is looking forward to going to school full time and having the Army pay for it. By the time he pays back the Army the time he will owe he will have been in for 13 years. So that means he'll be staying until 20 years and can retire with full benefits.

Taegan has scheduled her second knee surgery for February 18th and is exciting about being able to be active without pain. She also started getting ready for our move this summer, by selling the dining room table & chairs and going through all the clothes we never wear to be donated.

Grant LOVES school and is getting better at leaving his socks and shoes on while on his way to and from school. YAY!! He is talking better and is starting to stick up for himself against his sister. (Sometimes she can be kind of rough.) We are still working on his ability to communicate and keeping our fingers crossed that one of these days he'll be able to talk to us and ask for things without ANY prompting. God willing by the time he starts kindergarden.

Maddie is walking much better and trying to run! :) She is a climber and really enjoys music and music videos. She can be kind of rough with Grant but loves to give kisses & HATES hurting your feelings. She doesn't like to share but we are working on that. Maddie loves food.....most anything and makes the biggest messes.